We are the Hebrew Israelites; Hebrew being our language and Israelites because we descend from our Forefather Abraham Isaac and Jacob whose name was changed to Israel (Genesis 35:10) by the Most High Yahawah (God). We are teachers of the truth that has been hidden from our people in The Holy Bible.

According to The Bible, we teach that the African American Blacks, American and Seminole Indians, Haitians, West Indians, Hispanics, and Latino Indians throughout North, Central, South America, as well as the remnant of these same people scattered throughout the four corners of the earth (Isaiah 11:12, Ezekiel 37:16-22, James 1:1, 1 Peter 1:1).  By the lineage of our forefathers (Numbers 1:18, Job 8:8) are the only true descendants of the 12 Lost Tribes of The Nation of Israel and the Jews.

These nationalities and religions we live under today are lies. They are not found in the Bible, and they never applied to us until after the Columbus invasion of 1492, and the slave trade beginning in 1620.

One of the first steps to freedom is denouncing lies and proclaiming the truth (John 8:32 John 17:17). African American, Hispanic, Latino, and Black are names of European origin. Our power, The Lord, and Jesus Christ (Yahawah and Hamashayach Yahawashi in the Hebrew) gave us a holy name, Israelites. He gave us divine laws to live by from Mt. Sinai, not religions today. Religions are man made and not scriptural, their origins stem back from Idolatry and they divide us. 1 Corinthians 10:20-21, Psalms 96:5, Deuteronomy 32:15-26, and Exodus 24:12.

There are many different brown skinned nations and races, but we are not all the same people. The Lord divided us up as he did to all the families of the creatures of the earth. (Deuteronomy 32:8-9, Genesis 10:5, and Acts 17:26). All Caucasians are the same race. They are from the Edomites of Esau, the Greeks, and Romans. The Caucasians saying, they are Jews stole our land and nationality. They are Edomites also, according to the Bible, not the real Jews. (Revelation 2:9, Isaiah 29:22, Lamentations 4:8, Jeremiah 14:2, Acts 13:1, and Genesis 25:25, Genesis 36:1).

We are oppressed today here in America because we broke the laws of The Bible. The Africans and the Arab Muslims sold Israelite Jews not Caucasians in the slave trade. But now our punishment will soon be over, and our Lord will save us again. There will be a second Exodus. (Amos 3:1-2, Nahum 3:9-10, Joel 3:2-7, Jeremiah 3:2, Isaiah 40:1-2, Jeremiah 23:6-8, and Romans 10:1-2 Acts 7:6-7)

Our leaders know this truth but refuse to tell our people. We can march, sing, vote, and make treaties, work, and rally for all the civil rights we want. If we don’t have the power to enforce our rights, all we have is an opinion that can be manipulated. An opinion that can be violated at will by this corporate run, Nazi, Roman American world government. (Isaiah 9:16, Ephesians 6:10-18, Job 9:24)

Do you really want the bread of freedom, my brothers and sisters? Shouldn’t you want back, all of what was stolen from us? Do you want to continue to settle for the crumbs, this society tosses to us? (Jeremiah 2:14 & 7:8, Hebrews 10:19-25, Job 20:10-15).

We need a new living way. Join the army of the Almighty Lord in Jesus. Learn with us about the trials of faith, patience, sacrifice, and struggles it will take to rebuild our New Jerusalem atop the ashes of this American Babylon. (John 18:36, Ezekiel 6:8-10, Amos 9:8-11)

All 12 Tribes of Israel everywhere must pray for this. Now is the time at hand. Jesus won the war for us; we just must fight these final battles to take back our Kingdom. (I Kings 8:44-53, Deut. 32:36-37, Isaiah 14:1-3, Daniel 7:18, II Peters 3:9-14).

According to the Lord’s word in The Holy Bible, we do not believe in race mixing, homosexuality, lesbianism, profanity, degrading our women, sex, or work on the Sabbath day, stealing from our people, getting drunk, philosophies of this world, or in any of the governments in power on Earth. Those who agree with the evils of this world, hate the Lord in Christ, love Satan, and will not be saved form the destruction of the third Worlds War. (Mathew 6:24, 1Corinthians 6:9-11).

Praise the Lord, and Jesus. Our Power Yahawah (God) and Yahawashi (Jesus Christ)